Romeo and Juliet


Romeo and Juliet

  • Writen byWilliam Shakespeare
  • PublisherInternational Languages Home

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Written by: William Shakespeare

In the beautiful city of Verona where our story takes place; The story of the chorus of long-simmering hatred between two families has plunged into a new cycle of violence; The people of the city contaminated their hands with the blood of their neighbours, and from the offspring of the two quarreling families came an unhappy boy and girl. Love combined their hearts and because of it they took their lives in their own hands, so that the enmity between their parents ended with their fateful death. Over the next two hours, we will watch the story of their doomed love that is destined for death, and the struggle of their parents that no one could. Nothing can stop it except the suicide of their two sons. If you listen to us patiently, we will inform you of everything that you have not seen in this prologue on stage.

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Book Title Romeo and Juliet
Book Author William Shakespeare
Book Language عربي - انجليزي
Book Pages 272
Book Publisher International Languages Home

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Listen to chapter One